Thursday, October 11th, 2012 07:26:42
The Reality Behind the Labor Numbers
The debate last Wednesday has reset the presidential race. Those who thought President Obama was a shoo-in or that Republican nominee Mitt Romney was a lost cause had their perceptions turned on their heads during the debate. Romney appeared confident,....
Read the complete article at, October 4th, 2012 07:26:01
It’s Almost a Time for Choosing
In order to win next month, Republican nominee Mitt Romney will have to articulate the reason why the choice for him is right. The choice has to be about more than Mitt Romney, and really about more than President Barack....
Read the complete article at, September 27th, 2012 07:24:46
The Moral Argument Must Be Made
The Obama administration's policies are bad. Bad in the sense that the policies are morally corrupting. They take money and control away from people and give them to government bureaucrats, who then decide what should be done. The policies encourage....
Read the complete article at, September 20th, 2012 04:55:22
Focus Should Be on Facts
The challenge for modern-day campaigns is that the rapid speed of the news cycle ensures that new news is created on a daily basis, even when it is not really news. Blame the hunger for something novel and fresh that....
Read the complete article at, September 13th, 2012 04:53:32
Foreign Policy to Move up in Importance in Presidential Race
So far, the presidential race has focused on the economy, health care and jobs. Events this week are likely to change the course of the presidential election. Foreign policy will increase in importance and focus. As the United States marked....
Read the complete article at, September 6th, 2012 04:52:48
Competence in Presidential Politics
The question this fall is clear: Do we want a president who cares for others but is not competent or a president who might care, if he could just show it, but has proved his competence? President Barack Obama has....
Read the complete article at, August 30th, 2012 04:52:08
Doing the Best With What You Have
One of my mother's favorite sayings is to do the best you can with what you have at the time. She should know. She was the first in her family to go to college, graduating from Auburn University in three....
Read the complete article at, August 23rd, 2012 04:51:20
Why Women Matter This Election
In politics, where there are more men than women in elected positions, it's easy to get the impression that men matter most. You see them on TV, see their pictures in the paper, hear them pontificating on the issues on....
Read the complete article at, August 16th, 2012 13:08:37
The Final Quarter
We are less than three month out from the presidential election. Yes, I know that it seems as if it has already lasted forever, but so far, it's simply been the warm-up. The race is now in earnest. With the....
Read the complete article at, August 9th, 2012 13:07:59
Whoop, Whoop!
Here's my first admission: I'm a geek. In school, I was the bookish girl who kept her head down during class and barely talked with other students. A bit of a nerd, geek or whatever other slang word would fit....
Read the complete article at