Thursday, August 15th, 2013 08:50:20
Luckiest Person on Earth
This past Saturday, Dr. Steve Davis gave the message at my mother’s funeral. As pastor of First Baptist Church of Carrollton, Ga., he recounted that, during a recent visit, she told him that she was the luckiest person on earth.
Take her circumstances into account: She had endured and beaten both uterine cancer (in the 1970s) and colon cancer (she was given a clean bill of health last month). She had entered a nursing home in 2006, where many thought she would stay (including my sister and me), but returned home to live on her own in 2007. She suffered a series of strokes last year and could barely move, but went on — through hard work and great physical therapists — to regain use of her hands and arms. Her life was not easy, but she thought she was the luckiest person in the world.